Yes, this is the last beta release while I completely finish the game and put it up for sale.
Patch Notes:
-Supernova events and sounds
-Crew EVA suits
-Billions of new random events
-Visual fixes and bugfixes
-Visual updates
-Everstar added as well as the menu for finding it, now you can beat the game!
-Tons of other things
I remember seeing this months ago and being interested, I'm glad it's still underway!
I'd really like an in-game controls overview, or even better a step-by-step introduction to the controls in-game. The big information dump at the beginning is too much to take in, I didn't remember anything more complex than "WASD to move".
Anyway, interesting thing, I can see this playing out to be pretty huge! I really like all the randomly generated stuff, especially planetary flags - nice touch :)
Thanks! Yes, I haven't updated the "beta" yet, but in my latest build I made a detailed tutorial that explains the controls and guides you through it for a quick start.