im currently making luck 2 and its going to be DA BOMB i just finished up the menu and nyska is helping me with the graphics.
EDIT: just made the game engine with help from black. its pretty awsome with stats like luk = increasews your crit chance and haste- increases your chance to get a double attack and such. its going to be awsome. migth finish it in a wekk or less or more. :)
i guess rigth now im probably 18% finished.
EDIT: my animator just sent me the background and the first enemy. its a wiazard. the first battle is pretty much complete. thinking about the story alot
26% complete
i always leave menu last
oh really why? i usaly build it up from the start cause when i start making new frames in the beggining it messes al lthe other ones up.. annyways thanks for commenting.